Ontario’s cardiologists encouraged by the new Ontario PC government’s “Olive Branch” regarding physician services agreement negotiations
Last week, barely one week after winning a massive majority government and even before the Premier-designate and Cabinet have been sworn-in, the new Ontario PC government expressed its desire to “reset the relationship between doctors and government”.
OAC congratulates Doug Ford and the Ontario PC Party on Election Win
Today, on behalf of Ontario’s hard-working cardiologists, the OAC offered congratulations to Doug Ford and the Ontario PC party on their victory in the June 7th provincial election.
Dr. Jim Swan: Presentation to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
Legislative Assembly of Ontario
December 14, 2017
An Important Message for Ontario Cardiologists
We need to understand the details and consequences of this newly proposed Binding Arbitration agreement before voting on June 17, 2017.
Coalition Outlines Concerns
Last week, the Coalition of Ontario Doctors (Coalition) outlined its concerns regarding the tentative binding arbitration (BA) agreement the OMA recently signed with the Ontario government.
The Globe and Mail: Coalition of Ontario Doctors urges colleagues to reject deal with province
A coalition of Ontario doctors is stepping up its campaign to reject the tentative four-year agreement between the government and the Ontario Medical Association, charging the deal is vague and could result in cuts higher than the $200-million already laid out in it.
Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
OAC President Dr. Jim Swan delivers remarks at Queen’s Park
OAC Launches Congestive Heart Failure Initiative
Congestive heart failure is at epidemic proportions in Canada and the story told by the numbers is very depressing.
Response to G&M Article
The OAC responds to André Picard’s article in the Globe & Mail titled “Patients the losers in doctor dispute.”
OAC Wins Big!
The Ontario Association of Cardiologists is honoured to have won multiple awards at this year’s AVA Digital Awards.
Debunking Myths about Women’s Heart Health
There’s a misconception that when it comes to heart disease women aren’t affected as often as their male counterparts. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Fact is, heart disease and stroke kills more women than men each year in Canada, but 87% of women don’t identify it as their leading health risk.
Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
2015 SCFEA Pre-Budget Consultations – Presented by:James Swan, President, Ontario Association of Cardiologists
Ontario Budget Cuts Take Aim at Cardiac Care
Cardiac care is once again in the cross-hairs of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care in Ontario.
The Medical Post picks up OAC story
On January 12, The Medical Post, a subscription based magazine published an article quoting extensively from the Globe and Mail’s story on the status of health care negotiations in Ontario.
OAC discussed in the Globe & Mail
On January 10, 2015, The Globe and Mail published a story regarding the status of health care negotiations in Ontario.
The story centres on a leaked email from the OAC President, Dr. Jim Swan, to cardiologists who have not yet joined the Ontario Association of Cardiologists.
OAC Member’s Heartwarming Story
Every so often there’s a story that touches just about anyone who reads it. In case you missed it, the Toronto Star wrote a wonderful piece about OAC member cardiologist Dr. Jack Colman, and how a decision he made over two decades ago has come full circle.